4.5 hours of Fundraising Instruction
We completed recording three 90-minute webinars this summer, on Funding Revitalization Programs for the Main Street America Institute of the National Main Street Center. Part of a new series of online courses that take a deep dive into a specific topic, the course is being promoted as follows: “An essential piece of building a successful Main Street program or neighborhood commercial district entity is a robust, sustainable funding structure. From developing your prospects to making the approach and planning for growth, you need a solid understanding of the tools and best practices at your disposal. In Funding Revitalization Programs, take a deep dive into these methods to ensure sustainability for your program to:
- Understand the structures you should have in place to develop funding sources.
- Identify, target, and acquire funding through various sources.
- Manage funding sources to ensure programmatic sustainability.”
These recorded webinars will be available on demand for MSAI students during their coursework starting this Fall. Donna received her credentials as a MSAI graduate last spring, so we are pleased to be able to help others in their own professional development in Main Street revitalization by teaching this webinar series. Check out the MSAI program.