Germantown United CDC Board Retreat

We often provide board retreats for downtown organizations and are looking forward to working again with the Germantown United CDC in Northwest Philadelphia as they work with the board to focus on board recruitment as the organization emerges from the Pandemic. The officers and staff will create the setting for the conversation by reviewing the status of their five-year Strategic Plan and determining what opportunities and challenges lie ahead. The organization is fortunate to have a robust budget, but the contractual requirements are considerable, and staff have limited other hours to take on new projects. The organization also has a very well-developed annual fund which seeks donations from individuals, which, like most organizations, suffered during the Pandemic and need to be reinvigorated. Finally, the board needs to be replenished with new officers and directors to carry on their work. We are recommending a robust Nominating Committee process to identify, vet, onboard, and train new board members so they are effective on day one.

Does your Main Street organization need a half-day retreat to cover similar territory? Contact us at for more information.