New Strategic Plan for Gloucester County NJ Historical Society Moving Forward

For the past six months, we have been working with the Gloucester County Historical Society in Woodbury, NJ, on their first ever Strategic Plan. Funded by the New Jersey Historic Trust, this 10-month long project includes the traditional research tasks to create a Strategic Plan. We have already completed a Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Obstacles (SWOO) workshop and a Findings Report from an online stakeholder.

survey. The last research task is a visioning and goal-setting workshop on September 23. After these research components are complete, we will write a useful Strategic Plan for this organization with a well-regarded Library and Museum founded in 1903. As part of this project, we are also reviewing their bylaws, creating a fundraising plan, and offering Nominating Committee updates and Board training. We hope to wrap up our work in Spring 2025.

This venerable historical society owns five buildings in Woodbury, Gloucester County, NJ. The Library and Archives building at 17 Hunter Street in Woodbury hosts one of the largest genealogical collections in  Southern New Jersey and is a well-loved resource for local and regional genealogists. Their museum, housed in the 1765 Hunter-Lawrence-Jessup House, hosts temporary and permanent exhibits. As a collecting institution,

they maintain 30,000 objects. The GCHS is undertaking archeology at the Moravian Church at Oldman’s Creek, which has been under the stewardship of the Society since 1948. We look forward to the coming year and learning about this long-standing and important historical organization in South Jersey. Learn more about the Gloucester County Historical Society at